
The Aldinga Beach B-7 Literacy Agreement ensures that all staff are committed to providing students with common and consistent learning experiences underpinned by the Australian Curriculum, Tfel and a shared understanding of what research says is Evidence Based Literacy Practice. It aims to;

  • Ensure that students understand how Standard Australian English works in its spoken and written forms and appreciate, enjoy and use it to facilitate interactions with others and to entertain, persuade and argue through reading, writing, speaking, viewing and listening.
  • Provide all students with evidence based teaching in literacy to enable them to become articulate powerful citizens in their daily lives. We use;
The Daily 5

The Daily 5 as the framework to hang our literacy program on and structure all literacy lessons. To build transitional skills such as stamina, to plan for success using ICharts, to provide tier 2 support, plan for differentiation and scaffolding, and checking for understanding by reflecting on and sharing the learning.

Explicit Direct Instruction

Explicit Direct Instruction as the pedagogy to simplify concept development through explicit teaching and repetition, systematising student engagement through the use of pair share and whiteboards and engagements norms like;

  • Pronounce with me.
  • Track with me.
  • Read with me.
A Multisensory Structured Language Approach

A Multisensory Structured Language Approach to the teaching of Phonological Awareness, Synthetic Phonics, Etymology and Morphology, and Spelling Rules using the Aldinga Beach Reading and Spelling Scope & Sequence.


  • Track, monitor and respond to every learner’s growth in literacy achievement and engagement and increase the proportion of students meeting DFE SEA and retaining and attaining students achieving High Band. To analysing all Literacy data collected and respond appropriately.
  • Provide a whole school approach to intervention using the following three tier model;
Tier 1

Pro-active support in class (teacher) – All student needs are met through effective educator differentiation, Practice and Pedagogy. (I Do, We Do, You Do – EDI)

Tier 2

Targeted Support

Tasks and individual or group work is tailored by the teacher for specifically identified needs.

Teachers are intentional and responsive with clear goals for students.

Tailored differentiated tasks are delivered during Small Group Instruction with Teacher in small group work during Daily 5 (I do, We do, You Do – Student Practice time).

Tier 3

1:1 Intensive Support (SSO)

Individual student’s needs are met by implementing complex interventions and highly specialised support e.g. Speech, MultiLit, Phonological Awareness and Synthetic Phonics, Reading and Spelling Scope & Sequence Incubation Intervention.

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