Our Vision
Aldinga Beach OSHCers embrace the school’s mission and vision statements. We aim to provide a warm and welcoming environment; that is culturally safe for all learners. We value children’s physical, emotional and social needs and ensure they are met in a safe, caring and supportive environment.
Opening Times
OSHClings and their families are welcome:
Before School Care
6:30am – 8:45am
After School Care
3:00pm – 6:30pm
Vacation Care
6:30am – 6:30pm
Aldinga Beach OSHCers fees are set by the Aldinga Beach Primary Governing Council. Fees are charged on a sessional basis and are eligible for CCS fee reduction. For more information on Child Care Subsidy log in or create a MyGov account
Before School Care $16.00
After School Care $24.00
Vacation Care $55.00
Vacation Care Excursion $65.00
Aldinga Oshcers acknowledge that we stand on Ngaltingga Yerta (Aldinga Country), our site is committed to recognising our First Nations Peoples’, respecting and celebrating their culture and connection with the land.
This Philosophy Statement provides the foundation for all activities, policies and procedures of Aldinga Beach OSHC. They have been developed, and will be monitored and reviewed with these values in mind:
We value children’s physical, emotional and social needs and ensure they are met in a safe, caring and supportive environment. It is our belief that all children are valued individuals with unique personalities, differing needs, capabilities and backgrounds. We aim to provide a nurturing, flexible and culturally safe program which allows for free choice and is sensitive to the differing needs of children. We value the importance of play and aim to encourage our children to participate in a range of enjoyable experiences; both planned and spontaneous. We use Restorative and trauma informed practice and place high importance on mindfulness and whole child wellbeing. Our many OSHC pets give children a sense of ownership and responsibility and these are respected members of our OSHC family.
We aim to develop the following outcomes through the delivery of our program: That children have a strong sense of identity, they become confident and involved learners are connected and contribute to their world; have a strong sense of wellbeing and are effective communicators. Our program is designed to develop autonomous children with agency over their learning.
Aldinga OSHCers is an extension of the home and school environment. We aim for our service to feel warm and welcoming and that all members of our community will feel respected and included. We provide high quality education and care and support parents and guardians in the care and upbringing of their children. Families using the OSHC service are welcome and encouraged to participate in the operations of the service.
We support parents and guardians in their role as primary caregivers by: Welcoming them into our Service, encouraging their involvement and participation in the Service, respecting and accommodating their practices in raising children, exchanging information about their child and providing information about other family and children’s services.
We believe the OSHC educators should be a team of skilled educators who are sensitive, warm, caring and aware of the developmental needs of children; each bringing different skills and strengths to the service. To ensure provision of quality education and care, our educators recognise children as individuals and understand their needs, they provide a stimulating environment through developmentally appropriate programs. Educators work as flexible members of a team and are sensitive to the needs of families and the community. We are able to respond to these needs through open communication.
Aldinga Beach OSHCers are committed to providing encouragement for and access to staff development, opportunities to be involved in decision making and an environment which is supportive of the individual educator, especially in relation to their physical, professional and emotional wellbeing.
We believe that to serve the needs of our community we should be sensitive to its diverse social and cultural backgrounds. We participate with other community groups and services to share resources and develop a support network while, at the same time, being aware of and responding to the changing needs of the community. A harmonious relationship between school leadership, educators, children, families and the local community; based on respect for one another is very important. We aim to achieve this through positive and effective communication, we are committed to continuous quality improvement.
Links to Curriculum
Aldinga Beach OSHCers educators use The Framework for School Aged Care and The Early Years Learning Framework to guide their practice and inform their programming. Educators work with children to develop meaningful experiences to extend and provide ongoing learning.
Contact Us

Play Based Learning
- Aldinga Beach OSHCers educators encourage play based learning
- Play allows children to explore, discover, negotiate, take risks, create meaning making and solve problems
- Through play based learning, educators can introduce and reinforce concepts. Educators encourage children to learn in ways that are meaningful to each child.
“If not now, when? If not you, who?” – Hillel
- Educating children about the need to be responsible and sustainable global citizens is a high priority for the site
- Educators provide meaningful opportunities for children to engage in authentic experiences in sustainable actions
- Educators’ role model sustainable actions in their day-to-day practice; composting, using water responsibly, recycling, reducing waste, and undertaking sustainability audits with children.
Acts of Kindness
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted”
– Aesop
- We pride ourselves in giving back to the community and educating children about the importance of helping those who are in need.
- Our aim, through exploring social injustice in society is to develop children who have strong empathy and seek opportunities to be agents of change
- Develop partnerships with families and community.