OSHC Educators
Who We AreOSHC Educators
Meet our friendly team of Educators

Meghan Orr
Diploma of Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
Meghan has been the service Director since 2015 and has been with the service since 2004 where she started as a support worker.
Meghan is a passionate educator with strong interests in mindfulness and assisting children to develop skills in emotional regulation. She has implemented Wellness Wednesdays where children take time to centre and practice mindfulness and gratitude.
Meghan’s goal is to ensure alll children feel safe, secure and supported.

Akela Anderson
Assistant Director
Bachelor of Education
Akela has been with the service since 2018.
She is a highly creative educator who endeavours to develop environmental awareness and promotes sustainability through her daily practice. She seeks opportunities for children to look at ways that they can reduce their environmental impact and become agents of change.
Akela approachable and is passionate about working with the next generation.
A passionate and innovative young leader who is an assett to the service.

Kate Dohnt
Diploma of Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
Kate has been with the service since 2004, starting as an unqualified educator and building her knowledge and skills to become diploma qualified. Her Trauma informed approach ensures children always feel validated and understood.
Kate is an intergral part of the team flashing her contagious smile to all who enter the service. She is passionate about documenting children’s learning and ensures that communication with parents and caregivers is always open.

Taylor Buck
Bachelor or Education
Taylor has been with the service since 2016. She is a regular releif teacher in southern schools.
She is an enthusiastic educator who can often be found engaging and playing games with the children. She is approachable and has developed strong connections with children.
Now an experienced teacher, Taylor is an asset to the service. Her kind heartedness ensures all children are welcomed and feel safe, secure and supported.

Jacqui Kuerschner
Diploma of Early Education and Care
Jacqui has been with the service since 2017, she also works as an SSO in the school helping her to develop deeper understanding of restorative and trauma informed practices.
Jacqui is a calm and easy going educator who brings a positive energy to the service. Her bright and bubbly personailty helps children to feel safe, secure and supported in the OSHC learning community.

Harrison Hards
Harrison has been with the service since 2019.
Harrison loves the outdoors and can often be found kicking the footy or playing cricket with the children. He is a friendly and energetic team member who brings his love of ICT to our future OSHC gamers. He is an active community member in the Christies Beach SLSC.

Ellie Staples
Ellie has been with the service since 2020.
Ellie is a calm and kind educator who loves playing and chilling with all children. She is creative and provides opportunites for children to explore their own creativity using a variety of mediums.

Zoe Forner
Zoe joined the OSHC team in 2021.
She is curently studying a Bachelor of Education and Disability studies and has experience tutoring.
The children are drawn to her calm, quiet, demeanour and her experience at Disney has friends joining her for sing a longs and dance offs.

Joanna Mott
Joanna has been with the service since early 2021.
She is currently studying her Bachelor of education.
Joanna is calm, firm and fair and her intitiative to create meaningful experiences for children is welcomed.
Children enjoy a laugh and appreciate that she is able to hold space for them when needed.

Scarlett Scott
Scarlett joined the team in 2021 and is currently studying and working in childcare.
You can often find Scarlett engaging in many creative pursuits with children and enjoying anything musical.
Scarlett helpos children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing.